Sunday, 1 May 2011

haiga and poetry by gennepher



  1. Another stunning collection Jenny !!
    Loved the ones on sun , mask , truth one was the best ...

    PS : a few ones in the beginning were bit difficult to read .. Please check them :)

  2. beeutiful your poetry touches so many situations thoughts is just depth as the reader works downwards reading the stair case works smiling reminds me of wise words you gave me one day talking that helped me with a difficult situation & so love the picture with this piece of writing ...she stood on the edge of darkness and just beeutiful I always feel like im being shared a very personal sensitive journey with you gen .. thankYou so much for sharing Your poetry and art with me Beez :))

  3. Thank you Beez...I hope you still remember the staircase meditation I told is really good for many situations. Hugz for you Beez x

  4. Thank you 'sun of free dom' I am glad you like my poetry and pictures :)
